Frankfurtmessernes danske repræsentant
DIMEX aps er grundlagt i 1952 og er den officielle repræsentation i Danmark og Island for Frankfurt Messerne.
Vores opgave er at hjælpe dansk og islandsk industri med at få størst muligt udbytte af Frankfurtmesserne og stå til rådighed med service, vejledning og information for udstillere og besøgende før, under og efter messerne.
Dimex aps afholder pressekonferencer på de forskellige messer for den danske presse, og står for de officielle kontakter til regering og organisationer.
Seneste nyt
ISH digital 2021: not just paying lip service but offering genuine solutions for the energy revolution
Green Deal, life-giving air or the hygiene trend in the bathroom – the first digital edition of ISH, the world’s leading trade fair for HVAC + Water, put the spotlight on themes of social, political and economic importance. A total of 373 companies presented their innovative products at ISH digital 2021.
International, innovative and interdisciplinary: Cleanzone Digital Edition focused on controlling COVID-19 and on cleanroom solutions for high-tech products
On 18 and 19 November 2020, the digital networking event Cleanzone Digital Edition brought together cleanroom experts from all over the world. Solutions for combating the COVID-19 pandemic were a hot topic, as were new approaches to the construction of cleanrooms for medical and microtechnology applications. All participants and everyone else who is interested can continue to use the platform until 18 December to make contacts and view the recorded content.
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