Frese offers a tagging service to our customers in order
to simplify the shipment, distribution and installation of
Frese valves in your project. The tagging consists of two
- A commissioning tag will be tied to the P/T plug of the valve or placed in the box of each individual valve.
- A shipment tag (sticker type) will be placed on the outside of the box for each valve and actuator for easy distribution in your warehouse and at the installation site.
Each tag will contain the information about the valve
where it is to be installed in your project.
Please contact Frese to get a dedicated form, which
must be used when ordering your valves with Frese
Tagging Service.
The commissioning and shipment tag will be delivered according to the table that can be found in the infonote.
Illustrations and examples of the tags can also be found in the infonote.
Read more in the PDF or here.